City Council Adjusts Budget, Vacates Street Stub and Recognizes World Polio Day


October 11, 2019 — During the Oct. 7, 2019, Wilsonville City Council meeting, the Council authorized a supplemental budget adjustment for the current 2019-20 fiscal year. About $6.2 million in unspent funds from the prior fiscal year is to be forwarded to the current year to complete 29 capital improvement projects. Additionally, the City is budgeting $3.4 million for the new PERS Oregon Incentive Fund created by the legislature, which provides a 25% state-funded match designed to mitigate future Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) contribution rates.

On second reading, the Council adopted an ordinance authorizing the return of more 2,000 square feet of land to property owners in Villebois. The property had been held for a street that is no longer part of the community master plan.

Mayor Tim Knapp proclaimed Oct. 24 as “World Polio Day,” and presented the proclamation to Wilsonville Rotary Club president Pat Wolfram. Wolfram noted that the Wilsonville Rotary has raised more than $100,000 during the summer concert series over the past 15 years to support polio vaccination efforts; Rotary International seeks to raise more than $150 million annually to increase polio vaccinations worldwide.

Also during Mayor’s Business, Mayor Knapp designated Councilor Joann Linville as the Council’s representative to the Willamette Falls Locks Commission (which requires appointment by the Governor’s Office), the French Prairie Forum working group of local governments and the Wilsonville-Metro Community Enhancement Committee.

During the work session prior to the meeting, City staff presented research on code options to support “Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Homes.” This Council goal is scheduled to become a new statewide building code requirement effective October 1, 2020. Staff also presented new code options and best practices to enhance fire-safety precautions for commercial buildings four stories or taller constructed primarily of wood.

City finance staff presented on PERS retirement-contribution rate relief through the state’s Employer Incentive Fund and Unfunded Actuarial Liability Resolution Program that provides a state-paid 25% match to City-funded buy-down of current/future PERS liability.

Community development staff presented on the City’s expiring Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Zone program that was designed to incentivize upgrading of older, under-utilized warehouses to higher-value manufacturing facilities. Staff presented options to extend or modify the program to provide greater flexibility that could attract a wider range of manufacturers.

Administration staff presented a report on the 2019 Oregon legislative session with a focus on bills of particular interest to Wilsonville.

Community members can watch a replay of all or a portion of the City Council meeting on Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32 or on the City’s YouTube channel:

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