Wilsonville Town Center Plan Hosts Design Workshop on June 26

The City of Wilsonville is hosting a Design Workshop as part of the Wilsonville Town Center Plan on Monday, June 26, 5:00–8:00 p.m., at Clackamas Community College–Wilsonville Campus, 29353 SW Town Center Loop East. The public workshop provides community members the opportunity to discuss alternatives for shaping the future look and feel of Town Center and is a family-friendly and bilingual (Spanish translation services to be provided) event with programmed activities that begin at 5:30 p.m. Parents are encouraged to bring their children and the City is providing food and refreshments. The City of Wilsonville is committed to providing meaningful access. For accommodations, translation, and interpretation services, please call Tami Bergeron, Planning Assistant, at 503-570-1571 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.


Since the Plan’s public kick-off event in February, the community has provided a considerable amount of input and ideas, creating a vision for the future of Wilsonville’s Town Center. Now, the project team wants to hear the community’s ideas on what that vision might look like on-the-ground.


At the workshop, community members are asked to vote on a variety of town center images from other places in order to convey their preferences for Wilsonville’s Town Center. Then, attendees  break into small groups to participate in interactive activities for all ages, including a map-based activity that asks participants to design the architecture, layout and uses of the Town Center. Opportunities to hear the ideas generated by other groups is set to wrap-up the evening. In July and August, the public can provide further input on the concepts developed at the design workshop through a survey and number of summer events happening in the city. 


The Wilsonville Town Center Plan seeks to provide a community-driven vision for the Town Center area and strategic actions that establish a clear path forward to advancing the vision. The Plan guides future development in Town Center to create a cohesive, unified district that enhances existing assets in the area and promotes new development and investment. Potential strategies include new projects, programs, partnerships, or policies that foster an attractive and accessible place for visitors and residents of all ages to shop, eat, live, work, learn and play within the area.


The plan’s study area is approximately 100 acres and encompasses the properties north of Wilsonville Road, within and adjacent to Town Center Loop.

Funding for the long-range planning process comes from a Metro Community Planning and Development Grant with matching funds from the City’s Urban Renewal Agency.


To sign up for project updates and other opportunities to provide input on the plan visit www.WilsonvilleTownCenter.com. For more information contact Miranda Bateschell, Planning Manager, at 503-570-1581, bateschell@ci.wilsonville.or.us.