Notice of Public Hearing - Ord. Nos. 896 and 897 (January 6, 2025)

Public notice is hereby given that the Wilsonville City Council will hold a legislative public hearing on, January 6, 2025, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, Oregon. The public hearing is to consider public testimony on a proposed Ordinance Nos. 896 and 897 entitled:

Ordinance No. 896

An Ordinance Of The City Of Wilsonville Annexing Approximately 9.00 Acres Of Property Located At 7400 SW Frog Pond Lane For Development Of A 28-Lot Residential Subdivision.

Ordinance No. 897

An Ordinance Of The City Of Wilsonville Approving A Zone Map Amendment From The Clackamas County Rural Residential Farm Forest 5-Acre (RRFF-5) Zone To The Residential Neighborhood (RN) Zone On Approximately 9.00 Acres Located At 7400 SW Frog Pond Lane For Development Of A 28-Lot Residential Subdivision.

Copies of the proposed ordinance may be obtained at or by contacting the City Recorder at or 503-570-1506 and requesting a copy to be emailed or mailed to you at a cost of 25 cents per page.

Specific suggestions or questions concerning the proposed item may be directed to Cindy Luxhoj, by email at or by calling 503-570-1572. Public testimony, both oral and written will be accepted at the public hearing. Written statements are encouraged and may be submitted to City Recorder, 29799 SW Town Center Loop E, Wilsonville, OR 97070 or by email at

Assistive listening devices are available for persons with impaired hearing and can be scheduled for this meeting. The City will endeavor to provide qualified sign language interpreters without cost if requested at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To obtain such services call the office of the City Recorder at 503-570-1506 or by email at