Nutrition Program

Sue, Janice and Tina

You are cordially invited to lunch at the Community Center every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Lunch is served at noon and no reservations are required.

Donations are encouraged from regular lunchtime participants.  Recommended (but not required) donations are $3.50 for those 60 and over or $4.25 for those under 60.

Home Delivered Meals

Do you know a senior or a person with a disability who is home-bound, or is recuperating from an illness, and needs a meal? Our Home Delivered Meal Program provides daily meals throughout the weekdays, to the home-bound senior and persons who are disabled on a regular basis or temporarily during recovery from surgery or illness. There is no charge for this service but donations are gladly accepted.  Please call 503-570-1526 to arrange for home delivered meal service. 

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Tina prepping deserts
Dean and volunteers
Sue prepping deserts
Donna Congregate lunch valentines
Congregate lunch valentines
Congregate lunch
Joan Congregate lunch valentines
Congregate lunch valentines day