Play-Well Teknologies: STEM Explorations & Minecraft Master Engineering
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Morning Lesson - STEM Explorations: STEM Explorations: Master your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects. Projects are rotated seasonally to ensure that even returning students get a new experience, so join us to design and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas.
Afternoon Lesson - Minecraft Master Engineering: Bring your favorite Minecraft adventures to life with our enthusiastic Play-Well instructors. In a Minecraft world powered by LEGO® resources, we will build shelters to keep out Creepers, craft mystical items that only true masters can wield, and perfect our crossbow skills to stop the Wither from taking over! If you can imagine it, we can build it.
July 7-11
9 AM - 4:00 PM
Ages 7-12
Course #11520
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