The City of Wilsonville invites residents to participate in the 2016 Wilsonville Community Survey that is designed to provide a baseline of how City government is serving residents, to gauge perceptions of Wilsonville, and to make comparisons with peer cities.
All residents of Wilsonville are eligible to participate through July 5 online at
Mayor Tim Knapp said, “Wilsonville is a great community, and the survey results help local leaders create a better city responsive to residents’ needs. I encourage everyone living in Wilsonville to take the survey and help us chart our community’s future.”
City Council Adopts Annual Budget, Approves 10-Acre Annexation and Rezoning, Renews Social Services Annual Grant and Endorses Community Enhancement Projects
On June 20, 2016, the Wilsonville City Council held public hearings and adopted four resolutions pertaining to the City’s annual budgets. The first resolution authorizes a supplemental budget adjustment to “close-out” the current 2015-16 fiscal year that ends June 30. This budget adjustment accounts for various project and program funds that may be over the original budget approved in June 2015 based on timing of expenditures and revenues, and included refinancing bonded debt at lower rates , inter-fund transfers, project-scope modification and other factors.
On June 6, the City Council held public hearings and approved on first reading an annexation, a Comprehensive Plan amendment and a Zone Map amendment for a 10.2 acre site on SW Garden Acres Road that is adjacent to and north of Republic Services’ campus located at 10295 SW Ridder Road in Wilsonville. The parcel is to be the future site of Republic Services’ proposed SORT Bio-Energy Facility that is designed to collect and convert commercial food waste into electricity and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). The approval advances the City’s waste-hauling and disposal provider’s plans to expand their campus located in northwest Wilsonville. The Council action changed the zoning of the parcel from Washington County Future Development-20 (FD20) to a Planned Development Industrial-Regionally Significant Industrial Area (PDI-RSIA) Zone and changed the Comprehensive Plan designation from Washington County Future Development-20 (FD-20) to the Industrial designation.