Fall Harvest Festival 2024
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Join Wilsonville Parks and Recreation at the historic Stein-Boozier Barn for the 2024 Harvest Festival! This family-friendly fall festival will take place on Saturday, October 19 from 10am to 1pm at the Stein-Boozier Barn in Murase Plaza. Put on a costume and come enjoy this special event with family! There will be the following free activities:
- Free Pumpkins courtesy of Nichols Family Agency - Grown Right Here in Wilsonville at Frog Pond Farms
- Balloon Artist from Portland Party Works
- Petting Zoo from Portland Party Works
- Mystique's Fancy Faces Face Painting
- 35 Craft Vendor Booths from local artisans
- Kids Costume Parade with Wilsonville Parks and Recreation
- Live Music from Redwood Revue and the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Association
- Horse & Carriage Rides from Chafin Farms Carriages
- Wilsonville Library StoryTime
- Travelin' Toms Coffee Truck
- Pearl Bakery Baked Goods for Purchase
Please note that parking for this event is extremely limited. Please plan to drop off family members in the Murase Plaza roundabout and then park your car at the Wilsonville Library, Wilsonville Community Center, Lower Memorial Park or City Hall. See parking map here.
Let us know you're coming on the event Facebook Page!
Check out Redwood Revue in the Video Below:
For more information on holiday programs and events, call Recreation Coordinator, Erica Behler at 503-570-1525 or email at behler@wilsonvilleoregon.gov
A big thank you to this year's title Sponsor- Nichols Family Agency!
New This Year- Register for the Pumpkin Carving Contest!
Enter your pumpkin in this year's Harvest Festival Pumpkin Carving Contest! A $5 registration is required, those interested can find more information and register HERE. Registrants should bring their pre-carved pumpkin to the Stein-Boozier Barn on the day of the event between 9:30 and 10am. Voting will be open from 10am to Noon. Votes will be counted and the winner will be announced at 12:30pm. The winner will receive a prize basket which includes a $50 Starbucks gift card, and two, $20 Bullwinkle's game cards + free large pizza. Other basket items include a Halloween themed mug, sweet treats, a Wilsonville Parks and Rec pair of socks and more!