Transit Master Plan Update

SMART is requesting Proposals in order to select a qualified consultant to update the Transit Master Plan. Proposers are invited to demonstrate their experience and qualifications in performing services directly related to the services required by responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Proposers shall submit five (5) copies of their written Proposals and one (1) electronic copy on a USB drive, sealed in an opaque envelope, plainly marked “Request for Proposals – SMART Transit Master Plan Update,” and include the name and address of the Proposer to City of Wilsonville, Attn: Kelsey Lewis, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, OR 97070.
Proposals may be emailed to and reference in the subject line: “RFP – SMART Transit Master Plan. ” It is strongly recommended that Proposers follow up with the SMART point of contact to confirm that the emailed proposal was received and the format was readable by SMART.
SMART and the City of Wilsonville reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals.
Questions and Answers
1. The list of 20 topic areas you have provided under “Project Description” is broad. Many of these topics could, on their own, be the basis for a thorough stand-alone plan. Can you give us a sense of the relative importance or the level of focus you wish each of these topics to have in the TMP?
We include those topic areas to give you a sense of the possible scope we expect. Their relative weight will become clear through the public involvement process and discussion with our team. They are not listed in any order of importance. Some areas may be just briefly mentioned in the final plan, or may be a large component, depending on the community’s level of interest. We do not anticipate all of these topics will be covered in depth.
2. Can you provide the budget range within which you are hoping to receive proposals? Without this information, and with so many desired topic areas, it is hard to understand what level of effort SMART is seeking from proposers.
We are not including our project budget in this RFP, as we expect proposers to be aware of their own costs and propose their best price based on experience. You will find information about the size and scale of SMART’s operations and organization in the current Transit Master Plan.
3. How many drafts, in total, will you want your consultant team to produce, and for which audiences?
We anticipate one internal draft for SMART staff review and comment; one draft for consideration for adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council and concurrently for comments by the public; and one final version after adoption. Three.
Two proposals were received from Jarrett Walker & Associates and Zilo International Group.
City Council awarded this contract to Jarrett Walker & Associates.