Black History Month (February)

Black History Month text on black background with red, green, and yellow patterned textiles

Black History Month honors the triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history.

Learn more about the history of African Americans at the library in February.

February 2025 Events

All month:

Wednesday, Feb. 5: "The Unknown MLK" presentation
"Profiles" online presentation that delves into Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and his legacy to see why his story is still so meaningful and relevant to our own lives today.
11am-12:30pm on Zoom. Sign up to receive the Zoom meeting code.

Friday, Feb. 21: "Ruby Bridges" film
Free screening of the PG-rated film. When six-year-old Ruby is chosen to be the first African American to integrate her local elementary school, she is subjected to the true ugliness of racism for the first time. 
3-5pm in the Oak Room.

Saturday, Feb. 22: Africa - Rivers of Stories, Presented by Storyteller, Habiba Addo
Habiba Addo, a native of Ghana, shares West African stories with music, dance, and joy. She will be presenting a retelling of stories to amuse, caution, and inspire us to reach our better selves and heal our communities. The performance is spiced with songs and audience participation.

11am-12pm in the Oak Room.

Tuesday, Feb. 25: "Black Exclusion in Oregon" presentation
Amidst the historical backdrop of Oregon's formation, the state grappled with Black exclusion laws, pro-slavery influence, and the free state versus slave state debate. This presentation explores these dynamics and their profound impact on Oregon's Black community. Presented by Oregon Black Pioneers in partnership with the City of Wilsonville Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.
6-7:30pm in the Oak Room.