Genealogy Club

Genealogy Club
Genealogy Club meets in-person!

Join a growing group of genealogists of all levels from the Wilsonville area to discuss genealogy tips, tricks, and research.

These discussions are informal in nature and are moderated by Librarian Malia Laughton. New members welcome!

Meets on the 3rd Monday of the month, from 1:00pm - 2:30pm.

2025 Meetings

Feb. 3, 2025 (1st Monday)   *date change due to the holidays*

Mar. 17 - Death Certificates & the International Classification of Diseases

Apr. 21

May 19

June 16

July 21

Aug. 18

Sept. 15

Oct. 20

Nov. 17

Dec. 15

Genealogy Talk - Saturday, Mar. 29: Finding what you need and using what you find

With so much information available to us today, it can be hard to know how to find what we seek, or what to do with it after we've found it.  Discover an assortment of techniques that can help you search the internet more successfully, extract those useful genealogical nuggets from your documents, organize what you've found, and evaluate your evidence.  We'll look at tools for locating overlooked records, understanding codes in documents, recovering missing websites, finding evidence of name changes, and much more. 

1-hour presentation with 30" Q&A afterwards.

Presented by Pam Vestal.

  • Ages: High School through Adult
  • Saturday, Mar. 29
  • Time: 1:30-3pm
  • Location: Oak Room
  • No Charge


Did you know? The library has access to a variety of genealogy databases!

The Wilsonville Public Library presently provides access to five genealogy databases with similar sounding names, but very different scopes and means of access. Find out more on the Genealogy Database page.

Check out Genealogy Club on YouTube!

We are now on YouTube! Librarian Malia Laughton shares tips and tricks to help you out on your genealogy journey at the library's YouTube channel. After watching the videos, email Malia with your questions and comments.

September 2022 Topic: Death Certificates & the International Classification of Diseases

October 2022 Topic: Lost in the 1890s

November 2022 Topic: How Did He Get There?

How do you decipher the cause of death on a death certificate when the handwriting is unreadable or the image is faded? In this presentation, Librarian Malia Laughton will introduce you to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) indexes and show you how you can use them in your genealogy research.