Support your library this Library Giving Day from April 1-7, 2025! Your donation helps fund free programs, technology, and books for our community. Any donation, even $1, stays 100% local and directly helps our community. Go to to show your support!
Monetary donations can be channeled to the library in the following ways:
- We have a jar on the circulation desk for change, as well as a donation kiosk for the Wilsonville Public Library Foundation.
- You can join the Wilsonville Friends of the Library and receive a wonderful feeling of solidarity with your greatest community resource. The friends are a critically important resource for us.
- You can make larger donations through the Wilsonville Public Library Foundation.
You can also buy a brick with your name (or the name of someone special in your life) on it. The brick is placed in the plaza just outside of the library entrance.Bricks are currently unavailable (updated 3/05/2021)
You can make checks out to the Wilsonville Public Library, the Wilsonville Friends of the Library, or the Wilsonville Public Library Foundation. Checks for any of the groups can be sent to the library with attention to the specific group on the outside of the envelope:
Wilsonville Public Library
Attn: Wilsonville Friends of the Library (or Wilsonville Public Library Foundation)
8200 SW Wilsonville Road
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Whatever way you choose to help, we thank you for your donation.