Borrowing, Loan Period, Fines & Fees
Library Cards
Free LINCC library cards for borrowing library materials are available to all residents of the Clackamas County Library District, and Washington, Multnomah, Hood River, and Clark (WA) Counties. Preferred ID is a valid Oregon Driver’s License with current address, but new residents may provide another photo ID and proof of address.
Residents of other counties, or of Clackamas County, but not the Library District, may purchase a library card for $95 per year to use materials from all LINCC Libraries.
Library cards have both a card number and PIN. What's my PIN?
If you are a Clackamas County resident AND if you do not already have a LINCC library card, you can get an eCard, which gives you free access to downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks. Apply for a LINCC eCard online here. To convert your eCard to a regular library card, visit Wilsonville Public Library in person with photo i.d. and current proof of address.
Free Oregon Passport cards are available to Oregon residents who have a library card from another participating library.
Register and check out materials at participating libraries all over Oregon! Choose which library to use, where and when it best suits you! Use the library most convenient to where you work, shop, or vacation!
If your home library is a participating Passport Program Library and you have a valid library card, all you need is the personal identification necessary to obtain a card from another Passport Library and agree to abide by their rules. If you don’t have a home library, you can still participate by purchasing a non-resident card at a participating Passport Program Library of your choice.
LINCC patrons can borrow items from any participating Oregon library. Check the list of participating libraries here.
- To register for an out-of-area library card you will need your Clackamas County library card and government-issued ID
- Passport library card is free and valid for 1 year
- Loan Limits: Out-of-LINCC-area participating libraries set their own loan rules. These may differ from LINCC Passport limits. Please contact the out-of-area participating library for details.
Out-of-LINCC area patrons from participating libraries can borrow items from Wilsonville Public Library. Loan policy details:
- Your home library must also participate in the Passport program
- You will need your home library card and government-issued ID
- Passport is free and valid for 1 year
- Borrow up to 5 items
- Place up to 5 holds
- Fines in excess of $25 result in a blocked card
- No database access outside of the library
FYI: Residents of the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS) service area (Marion and Polk Counties, and most of Yamhill County) are entitled to a CCRLS 'Basic' library card at no cost, which can be obtained from any member library in CCRLS. Based upon the limited tax rate for CCRLS, this card allows 10 checkouts and 10 holds. This card type also allows access to ebooks & electronic resources. May be upgraded to a 'fee' card, which provides full-service borrowing limits.
Loan Periods
Most materials can be borrowed for 28 days, with these exceptions:
- Library2Go digital eBooks and eAudiobooks - 21 days
Materials may be renewed using your library card in person, 24 hours a day by phone at 503-659-8634, or online. Renewals are not allowed on any item that has been placed on hold by another patron.
Returning items
Book drops are located at the front and rear of the library and are available 24/7. You can also return library books at the Wilsonville Park & Ride at Wilsonville Transit Center (9699 SW Barber Street). Please return oversize items, board games, and equipment from the Library of Things to the library directly. For more information, please visit the Book Drop page.
Fines / Fees
Overdue charges are 10 cents per day, per item, for most items, with a $1 maximum for adult and children’s materials. Overdue charges for Library of Things items are $1 per day with a maximum of the replacement cost of the item. Payments may be made in person at any LINCC library, or through your online account at
Updated 3/21/2025