Coffee Creek Industrial Area Form-Based Code
The Coffee Creek Industrial Area Form-based Code and accompanying Pattern Book establish regulations and guidelines for street design and connectivity, site design and circulation, building form, and building architecture and landscape for future development in the Coffee Creek Industrial Area. This area is adjacent to the northwestern boundary of the City of Wilsonville, extending north to Day Road, west to Grahams Ferry Road and east to 95th Avenue.
City Council Hearing and Ordinance Adoption
Ordinance No. 812 was adopted by the Wilsonville City Council on the second reading, February 22, 2018. Ordinance No. 812 is an ordinance of the City of Wilsonville, adopting the Coffee Creek Industrial Form-based Code, Coffee Creek Design Overlay District Pattern Book and Related Comprehensive Plan and Development Code Changes, and repealing WC Section 4.134 Day Road Design Overlay District, for the Coffee Creek Industrial Master Plan Area. Ordinance 812 effective date is March 24, 2018.
Final Adoption Documents:
- Ordinance No. 812, Form-based Code
- Staff Report City Council 2nd Reading - February 22, 2018
- Exhibit A: Section 4.134 Admin
- Exhibit B: Final 2.4 Pattern Book Admin
- Exhibit C: Admin Code Modifications
- Exhibit D: Comprehensive Plan Edit
- Exhibit E: FBC Compliance Report
- Exhibit F: PC Resolution and Record
- Exhibit G: Errata Sheet