Equitable Housing Strategic Plan
In 2020, City Council adopted the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan, which serves as a framework to organize the City’s future efforts to promote equitable housing outcomes. The primary goal of this planning effort was to identify gaps that were present in Wilsonville’s housing market and develop a plan with prioritized strategies to fill these gaps, providing Wilsonville residents and employees housing opportunities for different household compositions, ages, and income ranges. The Plan includes five prioritized actions for the City to begin to implement in the first two years after Plan adoption, as well as additional actions for the City to consider in the long term.
1. Implementation Actions High-priority actions the City plans to initiate within two years of strategic Plan adoption. |
2. Actions Requiring Further Exploration
High-priority actions that require further research and community discussions for the City to determine how or if it will pursue in the near term. |
1A: Explore Implementation of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) at City-owned Wilsonville Transit Center Property 1B: Incorporate Equitable Housing Needs into Middle Housing Planning 1C: Define Equitable Housing Approaches in New Urban Growth Areas 1D: Create Housing Tax Abatement Programs to Achieve Housing Diversity and Affordability 1E: Facilitate Connections to Partners and Housing Resources Through City Liaison |
2A: Secure Land for Development of Affordable and Equitable Housing 2B: Modify Parking Requirements, Which May Reduce Housing Costs 2C: Explore Tactics to Reduce the Impact of Systems Development Charges on Affordable Housing 2D: Partner with Community Land Trusts 2E: Explore Homeownership Support Programs 2F: Explore Housing Preservation Tax Abatement 2G: Support Local Home Repair Programs 2H: Assess Accessibility and Visitability Standards or Incentives |
The project kicked-off in summer 2019 and Wilsonville City Council approved and adopted Resolution No. 02820 and the final Equitable Housing Plan and Appendices on June 15, 2020.
Equitable Housing Plan & Appendices
Resolution No. 02820 Adopting the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan
The City appointed a volunteer task force for the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan. The Equitable Housing Strategic Plan Task Force met at least three times over the duration of the project to evaluate data, consider public input, provide technical expertise, innovate and develop policies and strategies to address the gaps in Wilsonville’s housing market. The task force consisted of 17 members, representing a broad array of professional experience in housing development, finance, affordable housing, social services and related fields.
Residents shared thoughts on housing in Wilsonville using the City’s community engagement website, Let’s Talk, Wilsonville. The project’s survey report is accessible here.
For more information, contact Kimberly Rybold, Senior Planner, at 503-570-1583; rybold@wilsonvilleoregon.gov.