Heritage Tree Nominations
Since 2004, the Heritage Tree Committee has been accepting nominations and making recommendations to City Council about the inclusion of trees or tree groves into the Heritage Tree Program.
Help celebrate the past, and nominate a tree today!!!
The purpose of the Heritage Tree Program is to recognize, foster appreciation of, and inspire awareness of the contribution trees make to the community.
The goal of the Heritage Tree Program is to annually designate individual trees or groves of trees within the city limits that have some significance to the community, link to history, heritage or uniqueness. The Heritage Tree Program’s aim is to educate citizens about the importance of trees through recognition and information about trees, and their role in our cultural and community history.
Definition of Heritage Tree
Heritage Trees shall be recognized due to their involvement or inclusion in the development of landscape architecture, forestry, city planning, and culture. They are recognized due to their species, unique features, age, size, setting, design placement, link to important events or activities, location, or persons associated with them.
This program is totally voluntary and carries no regulatory component. Any person may nominate a tree or trees as a Heritage Tree using the form prepared by the City. If the nominated tree is located on private property, the nomination form shall be submitted by the property owner or accompanied by the property owner’s written consent, and the tree should be clearly visible from the public way. If the proposed Heritage Tree is on public property, the nomination shall be forwarded to the department responsible for use and/or maintenance of the property for review and recommendation prior to consideration.
You can fill out the Online Heritage Tree Nomination form or you can download and print the Heritage Tree Nomination Form, then mail/email your nominations* to:
Georgia McAlister, Associate Planner
City of Wilsonville
29799 SW Town Center Loop E
Wilsonville OR 97070