Town Center Streetscape

In 2019, the City of Wilsonville adopted the Town Center Plan establishing a vision for a vibrant, walkable community hub that inspires people to come together and socialize, shop, live, and work. In order to achieve the goals and broader vision for Town Center, the Town Center Plan calls for developing a streetscape plan. The Town Center Streetscape Plan will establish design guidelines for sidewalks and streets, including items such as street furniture, lighting fixtures, landscaping, possible public art locations, and various pavement design options that will create a distinct look and feel for the Town Center.
As Town Center develops over time, the new streetscapes will be critical in fostering a strong sense of place for residents, employees, and visitors. With numerous new landscaping features, plaza spaces, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure planned for the area, community involvement will be a key factor in determining the design of each element included in the final Streetscape Plan.
Throughout the project, the project team conducted Public Forums and Stakeholder interviews to gather input to shape the future Town Center Streetscape design. As part of this outreach, the Town Center Streetscape Plan project team held two Public Forums on November 10, 2020 and February 9, 2021. Recordings and presentations from these sessions are included below.
The input from the forums and additional surveys on Let’s Talk, Wilsonville! resulted in the final concept that was presented to Planning Commission for adoption on September 8, 2021. The project went before City Council on October 4, 2021 for first reading. On second reading, the City Council adopted the Wilsonville Town Center Streetscape Plan as Ordinance No. 850.
Public Online Forum Nov. 10, 2020
Lunchtime Session Video Recording and Chat
Evening Session Video Recording and Chat
Public Online Forum Feb. 9, 2021
Lunchtime Session Video Recording and Chat
Evening Session Video Recording and Chat