Planning FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
You may be able to add a detached accessory structure to your property without a permit depending upon its size and location. You will need to speak with the Planning Division(and possibly with the Building Division). To help the conversation, please be able to provide staff with the dimensions and height of the proposed structure as well as the proposed location on the property. A hand-drawn scaled drawing is recommended to clarify a property owner’s intentions.
According to Wilsonville Code Section 5.200, a vehicle can legally park on a street up to 72 hours as long as it is not impeding or likely to impede the normal flow of traffic and is not in violation of “No Parking” signs. For violations, contact the Wilsonville Police Departments non-emergency dispatch at 503-655-8211.
There are other restrictions in the Code regarding parking of vehicles. All parking questions related to vehicles, trailers, storing dumpsters, POD’s on public right-of-way, etc., can be found in Wilsonville Code Section 5.200 or by calling the Engineering Division at 503-682-4960.
Sales events such as a garage or yard sales in residential areas are not required to have a permit, but there are limitation on the amount, size, and location for signage related to such an event.
There are applicable rules on where and how tall you can build a fence that should be researched by the property owner prior to construction. See Code Section 4.113(.08), Figure 1: Fence Standards for Residential Development, and Section 4.176(.04)(F.). No permit is necessary if you are building a wood fence that is less than six feet in height on your own property.
It is necessary to check with the Planning Division staff at City Hall to see what kind of permit is needed. Visit Trees in Wilsonville for more information.
Contact the Planning Division to discuss your property questions at 503-682-4960. Many of the subdivisions in Wilsonville have standards that are unique to that subdivision and do not necessarily concur with the zoning regulations as described in the Development Code. Please have the address or map and tax lot number available.
Contact the Building and Planning Divisions to discuss your project prior to drafting plans. The Building Division will be concerned with structural and fire code requirements, while the Planning Division will be focusing on maximum lot coverage, setbacks, easements, architectural requirements, overlay zones, etc.
Information regarding sign permits is available online at Signs. Contact the Planning Division at 503-682-4960 to discuss the process for applying for a new sign.
Depending upon where it it is, the number of people who are expected, and other considerations, a permit may be needed for hosting a special event.
Zoning can be determined by viewing the Zoning Map, visiting, or by contacting the Planning Division at 503-682-4960.
Vehicles and all vehicular equipment that are clearly inoperable and stored on private property for more than 10 days can be addressed by filing a complaint with David Valenzuela the Code Compliance Coordinator for Code Enforcement, (503) 570-1603. City staff will investigate and, if needed, abate the property to ensure compliance with the Code.
According to Wilsonville Code Section 5.200, a vehicle (with the exception of large commercial trucks, RV’s, and trailers) can legally park on a street up to 72 hours as long as it is not impeding or likely to impede the normal flow of traffic and is not in violation of “No Parking” signs. For information on weight and time restrictions pertaining to the parking of large commercial trucks, RV’s, and trailers, please see Wilsonville Code Section 5.210. For vehicles violating the Traffic Code that are parked on a public street, please contact the Wilsonville Police Department’s non-emergency dispatch at 503-655-8211.
Code violations relevant to private property that are enforceable as described in Wilsonville Code Section 6.200 of the Wilsonville Code including:
- Accumulated building materials
- Accumulated debris
- Accumulated garbage
- Any condition that may be considered a public health and safety issue or may attract rodents and other pests
- Attractive nuisances
- Decaying food
- Dumping of rubbish
- Illegal dumping of liquids
- Inoperable / junked vehicles on private property
- Insufficient sidewalk maintenance
- Noise from construction sites
- Odor
- Open garbage containers
- Open privies
- Poor kenneling conditions for livestock or pets
- Poor sanitation
- Stagnant water
- Tall grass or noxious vegetation that may be overgrown and obstructing public access or that may be posing a fire hazard
Call David Valenzuela, the Code Compliance Coordinator, at (503) 570-1603.